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CIRCuit Overview

bringing RESEARCH



CIRCuit is an international collaborative effort which will use the EBCN Facebook group, with over 11,000 members, to recruit chiropractors to our Practice Based Research Network (PBRN). We intend to build a sustainable and diverse PBRN that facilitates real world research in chiropractic practices globally. CIRCuit has applied for charity status in the UK, with a steering committee made up of clinicians and researchers from six countries. CIRCuit is currently at the stage of forming our scientific review committee which will evaluate submissions to access the PBRN, seeking funding and sponsorship to facilitate our work, and is planning to open clinician membership in 2022.


This PBRN will examine aspects of the health care outcomes and processes of Chiropractic practices and/or practitioners primarily working in a clinical practice setting. The PBRN will provide a means of international collaboration and large-scale collection of clinical data to fulfill the specific requirements of research projects approved by the CIRCuit Scientific Research Committee.


As such, each practitioner/practice involved in the Chiropractic PBRNs will act as a contributing data-collection centre with multiple sites facilitating the study of broad populations of patients and care providers in community-based settings.

PBRNs of this nature connect the researcher with both clinician and patient and are a means to increase research output as well as improve translation of research to practice.

Charity Status

CIRCuit is a charitable organization, registered with the UK Charity Commission, number 1195528.

Charitable Object

"To advance education for the public benefit in chiropractic by the promotion and facilitation of scientific and academic research, through a practice-based research network (PBRN), with the dissemination of any useful results."

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